Dear Parents, Guardians and GW Staff:
** Students should not be dropped off or picked up in front of the school in the morning or at dismissal!** Dropping off on Washington Pl. is dangerous to both children and drivers.We are asking that students not be picked up or dropped off in the Church lot, The church nursery school needs to keep it clear for their employees and nursery school parents as well as our staff parking. If your student can walk or bike to school that is a great option! If not, the safest place to drop off your child is a couple of blocks from school. They can walk to the corner and cross with the crossing guard.
ATTENTION 8th Grade Parents:
Washington DC Trip Registration : Check your skyward email for the Washington DC Trip Registration that was sent out on Tuesday of last week! Please register as early as possible. We will need 10 volunteer parent chaperones. Please reach out to Lauren DiMaulo at for more info about being a part of this great experience!!
HSA Notices
SEEKING PRESENTER VOLUNTEERS ASAP! "Inspire the Future"- GW's second annual Career Day- will be taking place March 9, 2023. We are looking for additional volunteers to sign up ASAP to round out our slate of presenters. Please sign up here: Inspire The Future Presenter Volunteer.
Book Fair - has been changed from March to April 25-27
8th Grade Dance - has been rescheduled for April 14th, 7-9:00pm
GW Spring Track is ALMOST here! Medical Forms DUE! Come run, jump, and throw with us and learn all of the track and field disciplines! This is a low stress, *no cut* team so there are no try outs, and everyone who is on the team will get a chance to participate in meets if they want to. Whether you are competitive or just enjoy a bit of outdoor exercise and fun, we'd love to have you join us. We will train and compete against local schools in dual meets (dates for meets to come).
WHEN: Begins in late March and runs for approximately 6 to 8 weeks (start date to follow) Practices will be Tuesdays and Thursdays right after school at 3:15 to 4:00 pm.
Meets against other teams will be announced in the coming weeks.
WHERE: Practices will be at Ben Franklin Middle School track.
TRANSPORTATION: Students are responsible for getting to and from practices and meets.
If you are interested, please join the GWMS Track GroupSpot at
REQUIRED physical forms can be obtained from the GWMS Track GroupSpot, or from Nurse Stadulis at GWMS.
Friends of GW All funds raised will go towards this year’s Friends of GW fundraiser which is raising funds to purchase and upgrade equipment in the fitness center. Our goal is to raise $25,000 in order to make these purchases this year. The GW HSA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit and all donations are tax deductible. Donations are also eligible for employer matching. Donations can be made using this link or via check to GW HSA.
GWMS Notices & Reminders
If your student needs to be dismissed before the end of the school day, you must give them a signed note indicating the reason for the request. This must be brought to the Main Office by the student at the start of the school day. The student will receive an Early Dismissal pass. At the start of the designated period, they will show the teacher the pass so they can leave the class at the designated time and report to the Main Office to await pick up.
Classes begin at 8 am. Students are expected to be in their classroom when the 8:00 bell has rung. If your child will be tardy for any reason, you must call the Absence line at 201-670-2784 prior to 8:45 am. All reasons for tardiness require a phone call. If a student does not make it to class by 8 am, he/she will be marked tardy. After 8 am, your child should go directly to the Main office to obtain a late pass. Ongoing tardiness may be dealt with at the discretion of the Administrators.
Mark your calendar for these important dates in January & February:
2/22 - HSA Meeting @ 1:30 pm
3/9 - Career Day
3/13 - Professional Development Day - SCHOOLS CLOSED
3/22 - HSA Meeting @ 1:30 pm
Quiz Bowls Grades 3-8; New Jersey Regional Tournaments held in Ridgewood
Art Fusion February Exhibit Sunday February 5th 4-6pm at The Stable
Ridgewood Youth Boys Lacrosse Event “Face Off Day” March 13th 3:30pm - 5:30pm
Jamboree 2023 “Jambo Tales” February 9, 10 and 11, 2023. For more information please go
to our website at
Super Science Saturday March 4th, 2023 9:00am-1:30pm, at Ridgewood High School
LSHSA Pizza Fundraiser with Chestnut Deli! ORDER BY: Sunday, 02/26 PICK-UP: Tuesday, 02/28
COST: $20 At time of order, please choose ‘SCHEDULE LATER’ during check out under ‘STORE PICKUP’, and choose Tuesday 02/28 & TIME BETWEEN 3-6PM
RHS Boys Soccer Boosters is looking to connect with all current 8th grade boys that are interested in trying out for the Ridgewood High School Boys Soccer Program in the fall. Please email for the link to share your contact information so that we can provide you with important dates and information about the program. Also, please join RHS Boys Soccer on GroupSpot and visit to learn more about our program.
Ridgewood Community School Spring Semester Classes For Adults & Children -Take a look at our exciting Junior programs such as Artists & Crafts, Watercolor, Drawing & Improv. Adult offerings such as Decoding Anthony Bourdain, Genealogy & Mixology 101. Registration is now open! Call 201-670-2777 or contact us at See brochure & register: Click here!
Ridgewood Youth Ice Hockey Spring 2023 Please register in Community Pass at