Dear Parents, Guardians and GW Staff:
HSA Notices
8th Grade Dance
Dance will take place this Friday, April 14th in the Cafeteria 7-9PM $8.00 in advance $10 at door.
Theme is "Starry Night" (Dress how you want no theme outfits required) Professional DJ, Photobooth, and Food
8th Grade Promotion Party - Please save the date for the 8th grade promotion party on Tuesday, June 20th from 3 to 7PM! This exciting, end-of-the-year celebration will be held for 8th graders only, at the Women’s Club and will be a Casino-themed White Party!! More details and registration/payment info to follow.
Teacher Appreciation Luncheon - Friday, May 12th. Please consider contributing towards making this luncheon special for all GW faculty and staff! Donate here!
6th Grade GW/BF Mixer - Please the date for the 6th grade mixer on Thursday, June 1 from 5-7pm in the BF backyard (GW gym if it rains). The event, planned by the BF and GW HSA’s will combine George Washington and Benjamin Franklin Middle School.
End of Year Slideshow - We are collecting photos of your child(ren) for the end-of-year GW 8th grade slideshow, which will be shown during the Promotion Ceremony in June. Please send 3-4 photos, via email, of your 8th grader(s) to Remember to use the following guidelines when choosing your pictures:
- Solo, pairs and small group photos work best
- Keep them to GW years (no baby pics, etc)
- Photos at school events or on GW grounds appreciated
- Photos of children in their GW gear
- Encourage your kids to take selfies with their friends
- Avoid pictures that contain other family members or friends from outside GW
- Title each photo with the 8th grader's name and any other 8th grader appearing in the photo (this will help ensure we include everyone)
- Email the "actual" side image
- Please send photos by Friday, April 14
GWMS Notices & Reminders
If your student needs to be dismissed before the end of the school day, you must give them a signed note indicating the reason for the request. This must be brought to the Main Office by the student at the start of the school day. The student will receive an Early Dismissal pass. At the start of the designated period, they will show the teacher the pass so they can leave the class at the designated time and report to the Main Office to await pick up.
Classes begin at 8 am. Students are expected to be in their classroom when the 8:00 bell has rung. If your child will be tardy for any reason, you must call the Absence line at 201-670-2784 prior to 8:45 am. All reasons for tardiness require a phone call. If a student does not make it to class by 8 am, he/she will be marked tardy. After 8 am, your child should go directly to the Main office to obtain a late pass. Ongoing tardiness may be dealt with at the discretion of the Administrators.
Mark your calendar for these important dates in April & May:
4/14 - 8th Grade Dance
4/19 - HSA Meeting @ 1:30 pm
4/21 - Eid
4/25 - 4/27 - Book Fair
5/1 - 5/5 - Teacher Appreciation Week
5/9 - 6th Grade Concert - Ensembles @ 1:30 pm
5/10 - 5th Grade Orientation @ 7pm
5/16 - 7th & 8th Grade Band Concert @ 6:30 pm
5/18 - 7th & 8th Grade Orchestra Concert @ 6:30 pm
5/23 - HSA Meeting @ 1:30 pm
5/23 - 7th & 8th Grade Vocal Concert @ 6:30 pm
5/29 - Memorial Day NO SCHOOL
5/31 - 8th Grade Washington DC Trip
Timothy Shoemaker Vaping Presentation for parents! Tuesday, April 25th - GWMS Auditorium
Ridgewood Public Library Foundation Clambake Saturday, June 3rd, 7pm - 11pm at Ridgewood Country Club
G.W. Middle School 5th Grade Stepping Up Celebration Co-Sponsored by Ridgewood Parks and Recreation and GCADA