To make sure that everyone is respected no matter their race, religion, past or economic value
For there to be no racial discrimination
For everyone to be treated equally and respected
To always be kind to everyone around you
To clean the seas
For people to be more accepting
To be kind to each other
Clean drinking water for everyone and its free
Accepting others for who they are
That everyone is seen equally
Everyone is treated equally and given the same opportunities
To help everyone who needs help when there is a tough time
Everybody takes action to help the environment
For everyone to have peace
To make art
For everyone to get along
That all races are seen equally and without discrimination
For everyone to be seen and treated as equals
For everyone to be treated the same
To include everyone
Help poor people
World peace
For everyone to be accepting of who we are and what we are like
That everyone is treated equally
That everyone is to be valued and seen equally
To turn currency we have instead of something we need
To clean the trash off the streets
To help bring everyone close to each other, so if we do that we’ll be helping each other more