For people to see others for who they really are
For everyone to eat, drink and have shelter
We can have world peace and stop fighting over silly things
For the world to a better place
For everyone helping out each other
To make the world peaceful
For every country to agree and stop fighting
To stop racism
That everyone could be happy and unified. The world would be a better place if we were all unified
For everyone to have shelter, food and water
That everyone can have food and not be homeless
For everyone to be kind to each other and accept other’s differences
That everyone would treat others with the same respect they show towards friends
Arrest people for animal abuse
Flash a big smile to someone
To stop fighting
That all will be the same no matter the race
That all kids had the right to go to school
Have food for everyone
That everyone would include everyone
To end world hunger
For people to stop hating o different groups of people
For everyone to be treated equally
To end wars and for countries to be at peace
Stop fighting
For everyone to understand that others are not very different from ourselves.
That people don’t care about how people look like and to have a home for everyone
That people would respect each other no matter the race or assent
I wish that everyone can just be happy and help because there is not a lot of people that are good in the world
Peace and equality
To end racism and to end homophobia
For there to be less conflict in the world. Not only between nations but also between political parties
For everyone to be kind and accepting