For everyone tone kind to one another and everyone to make people happy
World peace
For everyone to be able to go to school
Everyone will be treated with equality
To respect everybody and to help other people that needs help
Have more equality between men and women
Everyone gets treated equally because we’re all humans
Everyone having a smile
Everyone coming together to be kind
That everyone loves and cares for each other no matter who they are
To be happy. We can achieve this by being kind to others
End world hunger
Being more kind to my friends
Everyone being equal and treated equally
For everyone like every gender, every sexuality to be equal. I want everyone to be equal and have all the same rights
No homelessness
To stope racism
End of world hunger
To help others in need
Multiple education opportunities for everyone
Equality for everybody
A place where everybody is happy
For everybody to realize that everyone is human and no matter what they look like what really matters is who they really are and what they do
No more racism
A work where there is no war or killing, where everyone is peaceful
For people to be able to love who they want, dress how they want and to be uniquely themselves
For kindness to everybody
For everyone in the world to choose to be nice
To help people with disabilities
World peace
Having no people hungry
People to be happy
For people to understand and have patience for others